Pim Shaitosa

Represents: Petzl, Patagonia, Sunski

Pim’s passion for climbing and photography has taken her across the globe in search of inspiration and self discovery. She has made it her mission to create inclusivity for and empower minorities within the outdoors community.

This is fueled by a lifelong lack of belonging growing up in Sweden as half Swedish/half Thai. Feeling 100% Swedish but not looking the part and therefore being received and treated differently. She promotes minority representation through different media projects as a photographer/videographer/director/editor. Her latest endeavor is organizing the annual Squamish based climbing festival ‘Rock and Rise‘ for women and people of expansive genders.

Cassie Ayoungman

Represents: Petzl, Sunski

Raised on the Siksika Nation in southern Alberta, Canada, Cassie (A Blackfoot Niitsitapi women) spent her youth playing basketball and was actively involved in military training through her introduction in the Indigenous Bold Eagle program. From these experiences, Cassie enjoyed pushing the boundaries of her comfort zone and enjoyed the challenges of new opportunities.

It was not until her 20’s that she was able to participate in mountain outdoor activities. Despite the later start in life, Cassie found passion in every new sport, including hiking and climbing. Through mentorship, she has found a way to help others overcome obstacles that hinder BIPOC people from participating in these activities. 

She founded Soul of Miistaki, with the intention of bringing diverse people together through movement and connection to the land. They specialize in hosting outdoor events including hikes, rock and ice climbing, and biking, as well as increasing awareness of Indigenous culture practices into the programs. Cassie takes pride in giving back to her Nation through her career choices and hobbies. When she is not in the mountains exploring, she works with Siksika EMS as a Primary Care Paramedic for her community.

Eric Carter

Represents: Petzl, Sunski

I’m originally from Minnesota and grew up as a competitive cross country skier. I moved to BC in 2009 for graduate school where I pursued a PhD in kinesiology. During my time at UBC, I recognized the appeal of ski touring and escaping the set track of XC skiing.

This helped me transition into adventure and alpine climbing as well. I missed the competitive component of ski racing which led me to ski mountaineering racing (skimo). I competed on the US National Team from 2014 to 2019 and accumulated >30 World Cup starts and participated in 2 world championships. 

2019 was my final competitive season on the international circuit and I have since moved back towards seeking out adventures and more technical ski mountaineering. This change in focus has taken me to Chamonix, the East Face of Aoraki in New Zealand, and all over Western Canada. Now I’m seeking interesting lines, first descents, and interesting traverses. 

Kendra Hicks

Represents: Petzl, Patagonia, Sunski

Kendra grew up in Canmore where she started all forms of skiing from an early age. After being a competitive downhill and cross-country ski racer, she found her true passion: ski touring. Kendra is now an ACMG apprentice ski guide and avid rock climber. 

Any day in the mountains is a good day. Kendra takes a special interest in teaching female-specific courses to encourage more women to become proficient in the mountains and inspire those who may want to become guides. 

Sean Isaac

Represents: Petzl, Patagonia, Sunski

Sean Isaac is a fully certified Alpine Guide with the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides. He has been ice climbing for 30 years and instructing ice for the past 20 years. During that time, he has taught more than a thousand people the art of moving safely over frozen waterfalls.

Based in Canmore, Alberta in the Canadian Rockies, Sean was a key member of the modern mixed climbing movement in late 90s and early 2000s establishing classics like Caveman, Cryophobia, The Asylum, Mixed Monster, Uniform Queen and The Real Big Drip to name a few and repeating test pieces like Musashi (M12). He has travelled all over the world in search of new routes to the remote ranges of Alaska, Patagonia, Peru, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. Sean is also author of several ice and mixed books including Mixed Climbing in the Canadian Rockies by Rocky Mountain Books, Mixed Climbing by Falcon Guides, Ice Climbing Leader Field Handbook by the Alpine Club of Canada and most recently How to Ice Climb by Falcon Guides. In addition, he has been the editor of the Canadian Alpine Journal for the past 14 years. He has appeared with featured segments in a number of climbing films including Beyond Gravity (2000) and Higher Ground (2008).

Leif Godberson

Represents: Petzl, Patagonia, Sunski

Born in Calgary, Leif grew up skiing and mountain biking in the Rockies, where he began to develop his passion for mountains at a young age. He began to explore the world of climbing after high school, and soon became fascinated by the challenges and adventures climbing could bring. 

Leif first discovered climbing after high school, with his first exposure being ice climbing. Later, Leif would start to develop a passion for trail running, tackling his first Ultra distance in 2018. Nowadays, he tends to switch between mountain sports with the seasons, but more importantly with whatever he is feeling particularly psyched on. His passion is rooted in finding new objectives in the Rockies and further, where the right combination of speed and minimalism can lend itself to completing compelling lines in good style. He has climbed in all disciples from the cliffs of Mount Yamnuska to some of the great North faces of the Rockies. His main motivation in trail running has been exploring the endless beautiful single track of the Rockies with the occasional effort focused on chasing a fastest known time. 

Leif also has a keen interest in training and improvement in mountain sports and is always seeking ways to improve his both running and climbing ability, driven by a curiosity to push his own bounds. He is currently finishing up an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering.

Jacob Dans

Represents: Petzl, Patagonia, Sunski

Jacob is a climber and skier who calls the Canadian Rockies home. He works for Yamnuska Mountain Adventures as an apprentice alpine and apprentice ski guide, and lives in Canmore, AB.

Growing up in Ontario, Jacob spent countless hours exploring the lakes and forests in his backyard. His early years spent canoeing, biking, and hiking, as well as a few memorable misadventures, taught him many life skills, instilling in him a respect for wild, open spaces and a hunger for the sense of challenge and adventure they offer.

He first discovered rock and ice climbing in Ottawa. In 2013, wanting to challenge his skills and experience the mountains, Jacob ventured on a two-week trip to Canmore to climb and trail run. He was hooked- he never left. His career path came into sharp focus. Since then he has been climbing and skiing his way through each season while actively pursuing ACMG certification. 

Jacob feels very fortunate to have found a career where he gets to introduce people to, and share his admiration for, these wild, natural spaces. He finds it incredibly rewarding to both support guests as they climb personal dream objectives, as well as encourage them as they build the skills and confidence needed to embark on their own trips.

In his free time Jacob heads into the mountains as much as possible. Big alpine climbs and remote ski traverses with good friends continue to be among his favourite and most satisfying pursuits.

Evan Stevens

Represents: Petzl, Patagonia, Sunski

Born and raised in a suburb of New York City, Evan learned to wander around the hardwoods of the east coast at an early age. Lots of organized sports, faded into individual pursuits on the snow and rock in the Catskills, Green and White Mountains and the Adirondacks.

After finishing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography and Environmental Science at Middlebury College in Vermont, Evan quickly found a job with the Utah Avalanche Center in Salt Lake City and Moab, UT. 5 years of following around the best avalanche forecasters the U.S. had to offer found me in a position to marry and move up to British Columbia and chase a career in mountain guiding and backcountry lodge ownership.

In 2005 Evan began working his winters at Valhalla Mountain Touring in the Selkirks of British Columbia, operating and then owning one of the premier backcountry ski lodges in BC.

In 2007 Evan completed his International Federation of Mountain Guides Certification through the American Mountain Guides Association.

Along the way Evan has chased down skiing across the snowy ranges of the world, big walls and cliffs around the globe, and continued to guide all the while. First ascents of big walls in the Canadian north, desert southwest, Squamish and the Valhallas(some first descents as well. In the last few years Evan has added a significant amount of work training and certifying guides for both the American and Canadian Mountain Guide Associations in the Rock, Ski and Alpine disciplines. 

Evan’s main pursuit is simple, to have a great time in the mountains with amazing people, whether it be on bikes, rocks or snow.

Sarah Hueniken

Represents: Petzl, Sunski

Sarah presently works and lives full-time in Canmore, Alberta, where she guides year round in the Canadian Rockies. It is a dream job for her that she never imagined she would have as a young kid.

Growing up in Southern Ontario, she worked as a paddling guide for Outward Bound and Youth at Risk programs but then climbing consumed her. She worked for NOLS and St Lawrence University and eventually found home in Canmore where she pursued her ACMG Alpine Guide certificate. She’s been fortunate enough to travel to many different places to climb and adventure, but she could easily be the happiest exploring the mountains in her own backyard for the rest of her life! Some highlight of her climbing career are being the first North American woman to climb M11, M12,M13. and M14, first ascents of ice and mixed routes in Japan, China, Helmcken, Canadian Rockies, Africa and Iceland and being North American Ice Climbing Champion for 2014-2016.

Yamnuska Mountain Adventures

Represents: Patagonia, Petzl

Since 1977, Yamnuska Mountain Adventures has been the leading provider of mountain adventure and training in Canada.

From their beginnings as an adult wilderness program at the YMCA’s Yamnuska Center, they have grown to be recognized internationally for their superior guest service, exemplary safety record and the highest standard of program instruction. They are proud to call the climbing mecca of Canmore, Alberta home but consider the mountains of western Canada a classroom and playground. Their internationally certified guides have experience climbing, skiing and trekking all over the world yet find themselves in the Canadian Rockies because there is truly no other place like it.