OnwardUP Connectors
OnwardUP Connectors are a group of local heroes that inspire us! They support our mission in creating connections that enable elevated outdoor experiences.
Welcome to our ‘Meet our Connectors’ series; a multi-week social media series dedicated to highlighting one of our OnwardUP Connectors every few weeks!
Why do you love it living where you do?
I came for the climbing…and stayed for the skiing! 1000′ granite walls minutes from home, new crags I can discover in the woods behind my house, the best bike trails in the world also behind my house, the best ski runs of my life visible from my window, an entire ocean waiting for me to discover some more, an amazing community of enthusiasts always keen…the list goes on forever. And ya, I like the rain, it forces me to catch up on my weakness of office work and rest!
Favourite place within walking distance of your house?
Either the best bike trails in the world, or one of the crags I’ve developed
Activity of choice?
Tough one…in the winter I’m skier who climbs, in the summer I’m a climber who skis. Maybe ski mountaineering, because I get to blend the two!
How did you get into skiing?
I did a year of university in New Zealand, and learned to backcountry ski in the southern Alps…no choice with the big terrain to blend the two – skiing and climbing! So I spent more time learning in the Southern Alps then I did in the classroom at the University of Otago!
A Highlight from last year?
Any day I got to play with my little girl Nora, and give mom more opportunities to get out on her skis or bike!
What’s one piece of gear [Petzl] that is always in your backpack and why?
Nano traction! So small and light and works so well. Rock, snow, ice, etc…its always there.
How cold is too cold?
Last week I was ski guiding in -36. That was too cold. Usually -30 is my cutoff! But heated socks and hand warmers make the cold hurt a little less.
Book / podcast / recommendations?
I’m addicted to the Daily by the New York Times. You can’t take New York out of my DNA after growing up there.
One thing you have learnt in the mountains that you wish everyone knew?
Patience is key. The mountains aren’t going anywhere and give zero fucks about you. Wait, watch, learn, grow, and strike when the time is right.
Name a non-profit in your community that is doing amazing work/or that you’re affiliated with?
I don’t necessarily work with one, but my business practices are inline with having a small an impact on the world. I don’t advertise or tell clients really, but every trip fee paid for guiding includes carbon offsets or donations to environmental non-profits. I just do it because its right to account for our impact. If my clients do it on their own too, great, double the impact! Its just a few small % points on revenue, but it all adds up quick. I try and work local as much as possible too, because that seems like an easy one. If I don’t travel for work – even though I have clients who want to go to Japan, EUrope, Norway…and tell them to hire some kick ass local guide, than that’s a much smaller footprint as well!
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