OnwardUP Connectors
OnwardUP Connectors are a group of local heroes that inspire us by how their work nurtures a safer and more inclusive, diverse, environmentally responsible and aware outdoor community. They support our mission in creating connections that enable elevated outdoor experiences.
Welcome to our ‘Meet our Connectors’ series; a multi-week social media series dedicated to highlighting one of our OnwardUP Connectors per month!
Any book / podcast / recommendations?
I am a big fan of Malcom Gladwell. I think all adventure people should read his book “Blink”. It is about how we develop intuition that leads to snap decision making.
One thing you have learnt in the mountains that you wish everyone knew?
One thing that I have learnt from over 30 years of moving around in the mountains is the big role that luck plays in our decision making. We can have the most sound risk-management and decision-making process but there will always be an element of bad luck that can occur. On the other hand, I know at times my decision-making process has been poor but good luck saved the day. I suggest to work hard to develop a solid process but always account for a percentage that luck (good or bad) may play in the outcome.
Name a non-profit in your community that is doing amazing work?
Soul of Miistaki is a non-profit that does great work getting BIPOC and marginalized folks into the mountains. I volunteer my guiding services to their programs.

Learn more about Sean Isaac
ACMG Alpine Guide & Author
W: http://www.seanisaac.com/
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